Read all about Astrology and the Planets and how they affect our daily lives and Horoscopes as they move through the Zodiac.
The Sun:
The Sun is the centre of our solar system and by far the most important determiner
when it comes to our daily lives.
Astrology and The Sun »
The Moon:
The Moon is our closest solar system neighbor and always speeds the changes in our lives.
Astrology and The Moon »
The Planet Mercury:
Mercury is the fastest moving of the planets which in turn demands adaptabilty from us.
Astrology and The Planet Mercury »
The Planet Venus:
Venus is the God of Love and imparts a sense of order and balance in our daily lives.
Astrology and The Planet Venus »
The Planet Mars:
Mars is The God of War and is often associated with leadership and assertiveness also aggression.
Astrology and The Planet Mars »
The Planet Jupiter:
Jupiter, the King of the Planets, is associated with achievement, prosperity and good fortune.
Astrology and The Planet Jupiter »
The Planet Saturn:
The Ringed Planet Saturn demands responsibility and reality, but also provides growth through endeavour.
Astrology and The Planet Saturn »
The Planet Uranus:
Uranus is the planet of individuality and personal freedoms and can even empower revolutions.
Astrology and The Planet Uranus »
The Planet Neptune:
Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea, and the planet is associated with both compassion and idealism.
Astrology and The Planet Neptune »
The Minor Planet Pluto:
Pluto is the god of the underworld but adds power to our thoughts.
Astrology and The Minor Planet Pluto »
Coming soon:
Astrology and The Minor Planet Ceres »
Ruling planets signs and houses:
Read our Zodiac Horoscope chart of Ruling planets.
Astrology Ruling planets signs and houses »
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