Pluto - Astrology and the Planets in the Zodiac

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The Minor Planet Pluto

« Astrology and Planets in the Zodiac

Since 2006 Pluto is no longer regarded as a full planet by the astronomical community, but that does not lessen its effects on us astrologically.

Pluto - Astrology and Planets in the Zodiac

The Minor Planet Pluto and your sign

Pluto remains in Capricorn for some time to come. Its effects therefore are always indirect in combination with other planets, and especially when The Sun and The Moon combine in different aspects to a greater or lesser extent dependent on their positions in all twelve different Zodiac signs.

The message of Pluto combined with The Sun and The Moon in your Zodiac sign is self empowerment. Pluto will continue to push you forwards until you examine yourself and ready to deal with what you find inside. Whilst you are affected by Pluto you can use your own thoughts and feelings more with less influence from outside sources.

Pluto can often signal the beginning of an end. It you need to close one chapter of your life, a relationship or a job for example. It will not always be an easy process to end something you have committed yourself to, but Pluto will clear your mind and allow you to see your way clearly.

Make the most of Pluto aspects to think clearly and make positive decisions that will move your life forwards on to a higher plane.

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