November 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction

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November 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction:

Taurus will find communication difficult during November 2013, which is not ideal for relationships. At times it is best to say nothing while the over emotional effects of the opposition Scorpio Solar Eclipse on November 3rd are still being felt. Best delay any dates until later in the month.

The best thing for Taurus to do this month is simply get back to basics and get on with your own job. Save off any networking and career advancement attempts until your communication abilities come back to you late in November.

Resist the urges for any retail therapy this month, as you will come to regret spending out on things that you simply do not need. The act of shopping will not in itself settle any emotional upset you feel.

A few days out on your own in the early days of the month will be good for Taurus. Go visit a museum or take in a show or just get out and go for a coffee on your own.

Once the turmoil of early November is out of the way, you should do what you can to get your family and friends round. You will benefit from catching up with everyone and will come out of the process with much stronger bonds to help you on your way.

November 2013 Taurus Summary:
Taurus spends most of November 2013 under the intense glow of The Sun in Scorpio at opposition with Taurus. Momentously this opposition also includes a total solar eclipse on November 3rd.
Your emotions will be in something of a turmoil, something that will strain your romantic relationship more than any other time of recent months. You are not the best at supporting your lover at this time.
If you are single and looking to meet someone new, you might be better off not arranging any dates until the affects of this eclipse have passed, as you might push away someone worth getting to know better.
In addition to The Sun, you also have the continued opposition of Mercury and Saturn as part of the mix. Saturn with Mercury in close attendance tends to stifle attempts of self expression. There may be people you need to speak to, but you may not be able to find the words to say. With The Sun focused on Taurus, this is not a good period to network or seek new employment. Stay put for a while. Do not get in to any financial commitments or long term contracts until after these immediate aspects pass.
By the time of the Full Moon in Taurus on November 17th things will have almost fully turned around and your will be feeling rather calmer inside, and more able to get along with those around you without fear of saying the wrong thing.
Once The Sun leaves opposition in Scorpio on November 22nd, you will get a big confidence boost. At this time the Mercury Saturn conjunction has widened, leaving you in charge of your own ways and means.
If you were thinking of arranging any sort of party or event, the last week of November under the improved spirits of an more independent Saturn makes this an ideal time. Be bold and think big. Presentations of new ideas and concepts will be your big advantage so make the most of things.

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