NEW in 2013: August 2013 Scorpio daily planetary chart »
August 2013 Scorpio horoscope prediction:
August 2013 is a time of good communications for Scorpio. Saturn in isolation
gives you the ability to see other people's point of view and understand how other people feel.
Your partner will appreciate this in you. For singleton Scorpio, make the first move and
go chat with that person you have your eye on.
Speak to colleagues and make some new connections in the workplace this month.
You will have to deal with some extra harsh than usual banter from some people at times,
but just stand up and say your piece.
Don't be too tempted to spend the little extra you feel you have this month
on frivolities. Things might not be what hey seem.
A romantic break is on the cards. Speak to your partner and find out what they want.
You will build a lot of positive feelings for each other as a result.
Time to get friends and family together for some communal meals or even a party.
You do not need to have a specific reason, just speak to everyone you need to and
get them all together.
August 2013 Scorpio Summary:
August 2013 is a time for Scorpio to relax and work on establishing good relations with
family and friends. Saturn's continuing domination of Scorpio is leading to a period
of internal and spiritual growth for Scorpio in isolation, makes this period ideal
for networking. Be sure to seek out any new colleagues at work
and introduce yourself. The more connections you can gain during this
period will bode well for future months when Scorpio comes under less favourable aspects.
It will not all be plain sailing however, especially at the beginning of the month
with The Sun in Leo, and then Mercury in Leo squared against Saturn for a time. These aspects
can make other signs a little anxious, and the focus could easily land
on the happy go luck Scorpio. Allow others to have their say and don't rise to the bait,
and this aspect will pass following the August 11th peak.
You will feel a change for the better again on August 13th when The Moon
in conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio puts you back on track. Get
back in to the mood for new meetings and friendships. Make the
most of this time especially to work on the romantic part of your life.
Time for long conversations and renewal of vows, or meeting someone new. Libra Scorpio
relationships will do particularly well with Venus about to pass between
the two signs, so you know who to look out for.
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