July 2013 Scorpio horoscope prediction

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July 2013 Scorpio horoscope prediction:

With Saturn given free reign in Scorpio for most of July 2013 you may find yourself wondering what else is out there for you. You might think you need some changes in your love life and start to make it happen.

You have good ideas that you should express to those you work with. It won't all be and easy ride for Scorpio, as you need to put your money where your mouth is and show your efforts as much as speak about them.

You will need to justify any big purchases to people around you this month even if it is your money. Be yourself.

There will not be a lot of consensus between family members on vacation destinations this month. Stay out of the arguments and let other people have their say.

You might feel you need to make alterations in the way the house is run, and make demands on other family members to comply with your ideas, but you need to assess what is necessary and what can be left as is.

July 2013 Scorpio Summary:
Scorpio must use July 2013 as the starting point for the next few months to come. Saturn in Scorpio is under little opposition for a period, providing Scorpio with the ideal conditions to work well and work successfully. The ideas you put forward and the projects you begin now can come to fruition by making the most of these favourable conditions.
This is the time to think big in the workplace. Get yourself seen as both a thinker and a doer. You will come to be relied upon more, and the additional responsibility this provides will be an opportunity for advancement.
Outside the workplace, in your other relationships, you need to work hard to explain your thoughts and ideas. Not everyone will understand where you are coming from, and there will be some people who could be openly hostile if you try and implement any changes. You might see things as necessary and even inevitable, but not every change is welcome. Scorpio must think carefully before making any grand announcements, especially at those times when The Moon is in resonance with Saturn. The most obvious time when this will happen is when The Moon passes through Scorpio and the conjunction with Saturn around July 16th and 17th. Try and avoid any discussions with your partner about your future love life during this transit.

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