August 2013 Leo horoscope prediction

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August 2013 Leo horoscope prediction:

With your ruling Luminary The Sun in Leo this month there is a big danger of making so many demands on your partner that friction will ensue. You must do your best, despite how you feel inside, to put their wants and needs inside your topics of conversation. Compromise or face the consequences. The single Leo might spend too much time preening in The Sun to notice any possible suitor.

You must guard against making any big claims during August 2013. You have a tendency to shout a bit too loud and then have to work twice as hard at justifying your bold claims.

With The Sun in Leo you have big plans for big spending. You look forward to this time of the year and like to splash the cash to show your good fortune. Just be sure you don't leave yourself short next month.

Time to make the most of your positive thoughts and choose some exotic destinations for your next vacation. Make it a multi stop off road trip to see the most of the world.

With you putting yourself on such a pedestal whilst The Sun shines on Leo, you are not the best member of your circle of friends and family for smoothing the way and placating anyone feeling left out.

August 2013 Leo Summary:
Leo generally is very happy to boast of their deeds and actions, and never slow for a bit of self promotion. Fast forward to July and especially August each year when your ruling Sun is in Leo, and Leo can be a little too much for some other signs to take. Get two Leo together in a relationship with both trying to out shine the other and there can well be sparks flying. The beginning of August 2013 up until the 8th when Mercury arrives in Leo, The Sun shows its full force for Leo. Put simply, you are in great danger of being too big for your boots. People already know you are Leo. Resist your urges to shout this even louder.
When Mercury arrives you will come down from your pedestal a little, as the quick changes Mercury promotes will cause too many wobbles for you to keep your confidence levels at the same high point. There will never be enough to hold you back, but at least until The Sun and Mercury move out of Leo on August 23rd, bringing your intensity down to normal levels, living with you as a Leo will be bearable.
All in all for Leo August 2013 is a high point, as long as you do your best to get on well with those around you. Try not to shout too loud.

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