November 2013 Cancer horoscope prediction

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November 2013 Cancer horoscope prediction:

You need to take a step back and give your partner a little more freedom to do their own thing with the impending opposition of Venus in Capricorn on November 5th. There is a chance that your jealousy might push the two of you apart if you do not take the correct steps this month. Single Cancer might jump in to the wrong sort of relationship whilst these aspects continue.

Expect to be called upon to do more in work this month. Your close colleagues will appreciate any experience you can pass on in order to get the job done better.

November 2013 is more of an as you were month rather than one for huge speculation. At the end of the month your new respect in work could well set you up for a good few months to come.

Get out and about and go visit all of the friends and family members you have lost a little contact with. Everyone will appreciate your efforts to see them.

Time to get your friends and family together in the one room. It will be good to meet up together and catch up. There will always be some people who do not get on together and it is up to you to get them speaking.

November 2013 Cancer Summary:
Over the next couple of months, the Ying Yang pull of Jupiter in Cancer with Pluto at opposition in Capricorn, gets somewhat perturbed by the impending arrival at Capricorn opposition of The Sun and the inner planets.
Venus arrives in Capricorn on November 5th, and is in closest conjunction with Pluto in the middle of the month. Your love life may show a bit too much possessiveness that you could well do without at this time. It will be difficult to detach yourself from the feelings of your partner. You need to give them some more freedom to express themselves. If you are a single Cancer, this aspect could well set you up for meeting someone new and falling in love at first sight. This is not always a good thing, as unless your potential new love feels the same about you, it will be a negative prospect for your feelings. New Cancer Cancer pairings could well be in order during the month of November 2013.
At the same time the close proximity of Venus and Pluto at opposition with Jupiter adds to your values of loyalty and belonging. This is an ideal time in work as your colleagues will sense from you an ability to get on with the rest of the team and get things done. You will stand out from the crowd as this happens, so don't be shy, show the boss what you can do.
The main place where you can make a big difference is at home. If you even had the idea of a big get together for family and friends, November 2013 is the ideal time. Get in touch with some old friends and those family members you have lost contact with. Do not let any past petty squabbles between people hold you back. Invite everyone and make the most of your own ability to bring people together.

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