November 2013 Aries horoscope prediction

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November 2013 Aries horoscope prediction:

Aries needs to be reminded during early November 2013 that romance only happens as part of a team. You are a little too self centred for things to run smoothly. Single Aries must look at themselves and see what they can offer a new partner rather than what they can get out of relationships.

You will only get along with work colleagues if you join in with the rest of the team and work towards the bigger goal together. You get nowhere without the help of others.

Lets hope there are not too many birthdays that you need to plan for this month, as you are not in a giving mood.

The best thing you can do for yourself and those around you is take some time away on your own. Go and visit some long lost family members and you will get a different perspective about where your own life is heading.

Expect some arguments in and around your home in the early part of November 2013 near the time of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on November 3rd. Once this is out of the way you will settle in to a comfortable home routine for the rest of the month. Nothing exciting, but at least you know where you stand.

November 2013 Aries Summary:
Things are a little quieter in opposition to Aries this month, following a few months of quite intense pressure from the inner planets under the glare of The Sun, especially considering the close proximity of Venus and Mars. It is time to patch up all those relationships that your ego and self centred thoughts affects for the worse last month, but this may not be the best time for Aries to make up with friends.
At the very beginning of November, The Moon in Libra is in direct opposition with Uranus in Aries. You may well feel very bored and need to get out of your daily routine, and don't see why it should be you who is making efforts to get on with those around you. You will soon be brought down to size by the total solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd, an even that will send ripples though many people's ego this month. You need to settle down and stop thinking things would be better if only other people did more for you, and realise what you get out of life comes from you. Your career will only get back on track once you start making the effort and put your ego to the side.
The best thing you can do this November is take some time out to get away from things. You might not find any willing travelling companions and you should spend more time on your own as you contemplate a little on what you should be doing over the next few months. If you can't get away, at least make some plans to go somewhere unusual to give you a greater understanding of the world. Don't go somewhere you have ever been before, it is time for somewhere new.
Things should settle to a large extent after the November 14th conjunction of The Moon with Uranus in Aries. You will become a little emotional and impulsive during this conjunction, but this is all internal, you will be a much better friend and colleague afterwards once you see your own ways are what is holding things up.
Once this conjunction has past you should let your creative side come to the fore for the next few weeks. Make some big career and home plans, and take the time to sit down with your romantic partner and search out your possibilities together.

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