October 2013 Aries horoscope prediction

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October 2013 Aries horoscope prediction:

October 2013 Aries Summary:
With The Sun in Libra at opposition with Uranus in Aries at the very beginning of October 2013, there is a tendency for the Aries ego to get in the way of progress. You may find yourself alienating close friends and colleagues with your strong words of your own ideas and abilities, and at the same time finding fault in other people's actions.
You are also at the height of your sexuality in this time period, something that can make of break romantic relationships. Your partner may feel either very loved or under too much pressure to comply with how you are feeling. Aries Aries pairs will find themselves at odds over who is in charge of the relationship.
When the New Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries you will see the need to make a new start and seek out those people you have pushed away in recent times. Make sure you sit down with your partner and speak your true feelings, and do your best to .
By the time of the Full Moon in Aries on October 18th 2013, things will have settled back in to a more regular routine, and your relationships with everyone around you will be a lot easier to deal with from both your own and each other person's point of view.
After The Sun moves out of opposition on October 23rd the focus on Aries comes down to a manageable level, and you will loose the need to prove anything to anyone. Time to seek collaboration in the home and in the workplace, something that would have been impossible early in the month due to your ego needing to be in charge of every aspect. Delegate and let other people do what comes naturally to themselves without the attempts at micro management.

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