June 2013 Virgo horoscope prediction

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June 2013 Virgo horoscope prediction:

You may have a sense of feeling alienated during June 2013, as loved ones appear to distant themselves from you, but look a little deeper as you could be the one driving them away. You need the opposition of Neptune in Pisces to bring you back on track spiritually more than ever this month.

Keep your mind focused on any job you set out to do otherwise you will find yourself with many more unfinished tasks and a few more colleagues frustrated at your lack of concentration.

You will have to take your head out of the sand in regards to your finances, it is all very well living the dream if you can afford it that is, if you want something then learn to save and spend less.

The place you have always dreamt of going is within your grasp. You just need to be practical and plan everything in advance, once you get there then you can finally relax and let your hair down.

You will find out at this time what your main priorities are and make a final decision which will be of great relief to close friends and family, just remember to stick to your main plan.

June 2013 Virgo Summary:
Another quiet month for Virgo in June 2013. With Neptune remaining at opposition in Pisces you may be lured in to something of a daydream like existence at times, spending more time thinking rather than doing. The Virgo trait of over analysing every situation will be at its height this month, something you must guard against.
If you spend too much time thinking you could well alienate those people close to you, and those who rely on you. Your romantic relations could feel some setbacks as the only things on your mind are your own wants and needs. Remember a relationship involves two people working towards a common goal. If you are single and looking for someone new to date, you could well be inadvertently pushing people away just by trying to fulfil only our own needs, something a potential partner will pick up on and subconsciously resent. Try your best to listen to your date when meeting someone for the first time. Your wants and needs can wait for next time.
This same need for your greater thoughts to rule your head will not be good for your career prospects during June 2013. Unless you sit down and concentrate on the simple tasks of your day by day work you will not be able to push through any big ideas you wish to pursue. Those around you will just not take you seriously this month, without proof you can do the basic things first of all.
The one benefit of this dreamy state is your need for travel. Make the most of your thoughts with an ambitious itinerary for your next vacation with friends and family. Go somewhere new and exotic, and take someone with you along for the ride.

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