June 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction

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June 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction:

Some people are just difficult to please, don't allow yourself to be pushed around, even with the amount of planetary opposition to Sagittarius during June 2013. Make your own decisions and stick to them.

Don't be browbeaten into doing jobs you are not willing to do, there are far too many people with their own agenda, do what is expected of you and no more.

You are usually sensible when it comes to money matters, just this month you may have strayed a little off the straight and narrow, however don't panic, there is still time to start afresh, though the quicker you do it the better it will be for you.

Now is the time to be thinking of travel plans, however give it a few months before you make a final decision as you will have to sort a few things out closer to home first.

You may find yourself under scrutiny this month but don't worry as this will eventually pass, those that matter to you will accept you warts and all, those that don't are irrelevant, make sure it stays that way.

June 2013 Sagittarius Summary:
An interesting month in opposition for Sagittarius during June 2013. It is a good job you are still feeling the balanced aspects of Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn with Jupiter in Gemini, at least for the start of the month. The rest of the time Sagittarius is in the full glare of an opposition Sun, along with the closely accompanying inner planets of Mercury and Venus, along with all of their unpredictability and foibles. You will do your best too keep everything moving in the right direction for you.
With Jupiter in Gemini continuing to add power to you, and the fact that the flighty changes wrought by Mercury will no longer be an issue during June 2013, you will be more than able to cope with the focus that will undoubtably on Sagittarius. People around you will be taking a lot of interest in the things you say, with some people hoping you will make comments they can critisise. More than ever you must look before you leap, and ensure your brain is in gear before you release your mouth.
With both Venus and Mars at opposition also in Gemini, you will have to justify your moves and motives in various relationships, most specifically in your love life. Stand your ground and do not allow yourself to be pushed off track. For single Sagittarians June 2013 is not the ideal time to find someone for a long term relationship. Better wait until next month when The Sun is no longer at opposition.
All in all, June 2013 is a time for Sagittarius to stand firm and not get drawn in to unnecessary arguments with those around, especially by those people just waiting for you to slip up.

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