August 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction

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August 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction:

You need a little time out during August 2013 for some me time. This is not the best time for making big commitments and your partner will feel this from you. The best idea is just to maintain the status quo for a time and do not expect too much from your love life. Single Sagittarius might find a date a little difficult to come by for a few weeks, but this time will pass quickly if you simply relax.

Your hard work will not get the full rewards early in this month, and even if you go out of your way to help your close colleagues more than usual they will not give you the thanks you deserve. Don't let this put you off as you can show people just how good a worker you are as the weeks pass.

A good month for putting something aside for the future at a time when will feel little urge to splash out on anything extravagant.

By the end of the month you will definitely feel a need to get away from it all. Time to speak to those close to you and plan a quick escape.

Not everyone will see things from your point of view in the home this month, and that is more their fault than yours. Make sure everything that happens in the home suits you and let others deal with things how they want.

August 2013 Sagittarius Summary:
During August 2013 Sagittarius should concentrate just on themselves for a change. With Jupiter no longer in opposition, and some well balanced Sagittarius focused planetary aspects increasing throughout the month you are in an ideal position to make the most of some me time. That is not to mean you should shy away from other people, on the contrary, you should seek out friends and colleagues, but you should make sure it is always on your terms.
Make the most of this opportunity in the workplace especially. The long term opposition of Jupiter had done much to hold you back, and now it is time to show what you can do when allowed to show your stuff. You should look at your wider prospects and see if there is more you can do and more you can achieve whist there is a good balance of alignments. At the very end of the month the squared aspects of Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces especially will give you chances of upward motion.
The one area in which you need to be a little careful is in your love life. Make sure you are not making unreasonable demands of your partner due to your new found freedoms. It still takes two people working together for a relationship to flourish. Don't forget to give them enough of your time, thoughts and energy.

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