NEW in 2013: November 2013 Libra daily planetary chart »
November 2013 Libra horoscope prediction:
For the first time in a while, Libra must think of themselves first and other second
during November 2013. This could well put a strain on any romantic relationships,
but this could be for the better overall if some things need to be done.
A selfish Libra might not be the most appealing if you are looking for someone new,
but at least it will keep you out of a pointless relationship.
Time to think about your own needs in the workplace. Yes you have to work as part of a team,
but you are the one who provides for yourself. Put your foot down and get the best deal for you.
Provided you have spend some time thinking things through, November 2013 is a good
one for Libra to make some new commitments. Remember the most important thing is to
know all the possibilities and not just act impulsively.
If you feel like going on a trip, book it and go. Make sure you only go to somewhere you want
to rather than tagging along on someone else's ideal journey.
With Mars heading towards Libra, your assertive ways will not please certain
members of your family this month, but that does not mean
you should concede and let others have their way. Make sure you are the one who
make decisions that effect you.
November 2013 Libra Summary:
With The Sun now well on its way around the Zodiac from Libra, November is always a time
for Libra to take stock and plan for the coming months. The opposition
of Uranus in Aries will take some getting over this month however. Uranus opposite
Libra causes something of a discontinuity of thought. You will find yourself questioning
each of your ideas and choices and second guessing yourself. It would be easy to
give up on November 2013 and do nothing interesting at all, but where in the fun in that?
Conditions favour instability, not the ideal time for starting a new relationship
or taking on a new long term financial commitment. Don't jump in to something new
just because it presents itself, but if there is something you
have been thinking about for some time, you may find this is the time to
bite the bullet and make some changes happen on your terms.
Once you have made that well thought out decision you should take action and go for it.
Act decisively and stick to that decision.
Such changes of tack from Libra could well put your interpersonal
relationships under strain if you end up acting out of character.
Your partner may not like the way you are going about things, even if this might
be necessary for your own long term good. You have to think mostly about
your own needs and let the universe get on with it.
Late in the month you will find the impending arrival of Mars in
Libra will start to make its presence felt and will actually
add some stability to the Uranus aspects. Mars adds power to the Libra thought process,
allowing you to see your changes through to their conclusion, and making
December 2013 and the arrival of Mars is something to look forward to for Libra.
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