August 2013 Libra horoscope prediction

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August 2013 Libra horoscope prediction:

August 2013 begins a little too quite for Libra romantically. You won't be much in the mood for loving. After the 16th of August when Venus arrives you will feel an instant uplift. Single Libra will soon be out and about meeting new people and making new friends.

Knuckle down and get on with your job this month. There will be plenty of time over the months ahead to show your full abilities.

Libra may well feel the need for some retail therapy at the start of August 2013. Do not be surprised if you end up taking half of it back in a couple of weeks time.

Towards the end of the month is an ideal time for Libra to get off the beaten track and find some new and unusual places to go. Take along a close friend or two and enjoy the experiences.

Your family will see in you a little downturn at the start of the month, but this will quickly pass. By the end of the month the mood at home will be on a high and makes a great time for a family get together or trip out.

August 2013 Libra Summary:
Libra begins August 2013 a little quietly and slightly withdrawn from those close by, but grows as the month progresses. You may feel there is little point in trying new things or meeting new people, as the quiet planetary aspects do not either inspire or command anything out of the ordinary from Libra in the first few weeks of August.
The good news for Libra though, is the impending arrival of Venus on August 16th. Venus, Libra's ruling planet, gives you the ability to make the most of your best traits and abilities. Be prepared to set out on some new activities and meet new people. Venus brings you out of your shell, especially in the isolation that is afforded Venus in Libra during August 2013.
By the time of the August 26th conjunction of Venus in Libra with Uranus in Aries Libra's mood will be much better. This aspect always adds some spontaneity to Libra, giving you a much freer thought process. Time to get out and about and make some efforts to get friends and family to come along for the ride. Plan an adventure. Do something new. You will be rewarded with an increased openness from those around you as their reaction to your mood uplift. You will especially feel the warmth in your romantic relationships. If you are single, get out there and meet someone new.

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