October 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction

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October 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction:

October 2013 Capricorn Summary:
With Jupiter in Cancer no longer in full opposition with Pluto in Capricorn, you can feel sense of relaxation come in to the Capricorn psyche for a time. The beginning of the month especially sees a soothing cross with The Sun in Leo and Uranus in Aries squared against Pluto, and further distracts the powerful perturbations that Jupiter the King of Planets often provides. Your thoughts and actions are very much your own. You choose the what the why and the how.
You must get used to working on your own for a time, both at home and actually in the workplace. You may at times feel a little out of your depth with the decreasing effects of Jupiter, but this is actually better for you in the long run.
You need to be more assertive and set the agenda in your love life too. If you are single October 2013 is a time you should make the first move and let your independence of thought see you stand out from the crowd and put you in a good light with members of the opposite sex. They will warm to your ability to put their needs in focus. If you are already in a relationship your partner will welcome your input and feel more secure once they understand your need for freedom of thought is not a move in the wrong direction.
You should think about getting out and about on your travels too. Time to make the most of things and visit some of the places you always wished to see in the past but never got round to.

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