November 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction

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November 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction:

Venus arrives in Capricorn early in November 2013, bringing with it opportunities for a greater understanding from your partner. You are ideally poised to show your love. If you are a single Capricorn this softly going nature will be picked up intuitively by others, bringing with it some intriguing possibilities.

Time to choose your tasks and get them completed to the best of your improved abilities. Feel free to call on your close colleagues to join in and help whilst your easy going and friendly nature is on show for all to see. By the end of the month even the boss will see you in a better light.

Your decision making leads you in to the possibility of making some major investment this month. Trust your own thoughts on this and if you think you are on to something good once you have taken due diligence, take the plunge.

You will surely get out and about some more this month, and there are new friends you will meet along the way. Some people will turn out to be nothing more than fair weather friends, but you will also find there are some genuine people who will be glad to take you round the place they live and show you something new.

There are some big ideas Capricorn has for the home this month. You need to work out what you can get done and what is just a pipe dream. If you embark on any big DIY projects make sure you get all the way to the end and complete what you start.

November 2013 Capricorn Summary:
November 2013 is dominated by the arrival of Venus in to Capricorn on November 5th 2013. You have an open hearted nature with Venus crowding out Pluto and now opposing Jupiter in Cancer. Time to get out and about on your travels and meet some new friends. If you are single this is an ideal time to meet someone new. Expect things to move quickly just after Venus enters Capricorn as The Moon passes through Capricorn in the few days after.
If you are already in a relationship your partner will certainly appreciate your loving side under the influence of a free wheeling Venus rather than the usual plodding Pluto.
New friends and casual acquaintances will be drawn to you ready to learn about your travels and any escapades you have been up to in recent months. Just remember the rule of keeping any anecdotes very short or they will quickly get bored of you and move on to the next new thing.
Planets are ideally placed for some career advancement for Capricorn during November 2013. The push pull sentiments of the Pluto Jupiter opposition are more than compromised by the presence of Venus, leaving you better able to look at a situation and decide on a best way to proceed. Your work life will improve as your ability too make good decisions and get things started will be high on your agenda. Just remember that for long term progress it is not the starting that counts, it's the finishing. Capricorn does have a tendency to start big and end small, not the best way to go about things. Concentrate on completing some smaller tasks and you will soon be trusted by the boss with some bigger jobs and a bit more respect.

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