NEW in 2013: June 2013 Aries daily planetary chart »
June 2013 Aries horoscope prediction:
Disagreements become a thing of the past now that you and your lover have reached a mutual agreement,
though do be careful with your choice of words. Think through what you say to them before you jump to
conclusions. As the month progresses things will come to a head towards the last part of June 2013,
when The Sun and The Moon are in conjunction in Cancer and squared against Uranus.
Now that you have achieved what you have set out to do, expect a more peaceful and a more contented times ahead.
Just ensure you do not ruffle any feathers by speaking up at the wrong time.
You may have dreams but not everyone may share your ideas. Try going at it alone rather than
wasting your own time trying to please others.
A journey will take you to a special place that will bring you peace of mind and in touch with an old friend.
Family matters finally come to a head with everyone more understanding of each others needs, however
you might have to hold back from voicing your own opinion at times.
June 2013 Aries Summary:
June 2013 is a time of change for Aries. The month begins very quietly with just Uranus in Aries
continuing to allow you to expand your spiritual thoughts and feelings, now that the
immediate focus of The Sun and the inner planets have well passed. By now you should
have patched up any problems and misunderstandings posed a month before, and you have settled
in to a more or less quiet routine in your interpersonal relationships, especially in your work
and love life.
As the month progresses however, The Sun and the inner planets begin to move from Gemini in to Cancer, and in to a
squared position with Uranus in Aries. For Aries this can cause you to take too many steps
forwards without truly looking where you can or should step next.
This will begin in earnest some time around the transition of The Moon between Gemini and Cancer
on June 10th 2013, as The Moon passes each of the inner aspects and in to a square with Uranus
in Aries a few days later.
You must spend the rest of June ensuring you look before you leap. Take care with the words you
speak to all around you. You have an increasing tendency to think your abilities are beyond
what you can achieve in the short term, and not everyone will see your long term ideas as beneficial to them.
Things will build right to the very end of June, when on the 30th The Sun and The Moon are in conjunction
in Cancer and squared against Uranus. Be carful you tone down any conversations and
do not allow your nervous energy this aspect will create to upset those around you.
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