NEW in 2013: June 2013 Aquarius daily planetary chart »
June 2013 Aquarius horoscope prediction:
A close friend wants you to meet someone, take them up on their offer, you will be glad you did!
Of course if you are already in a relationship, you will feel a similar uplift in your romance
during June 2013, without looking anywhere else!
Widen your horizons in the work place, you need to increase your opportunities to make
further progress. This is the time to take up any opportunity that is open to you
with such a well balanced planetary aspect for Aquarius.
Make sure you have no outstanding debts before embarking on any new ventures, set yourself
on a fresh clean start and you will be able to move ahead with nothing holding you back.
The best time to be making any travel plans is now, plan carefully and methodically and all will go well for you.
If there is a time for getting things done, now is the time to start. Push yourself into completing
those unfinished tasks and start on those that need to be done, once you have finished you will be
able to breathe a sigh of relief.
June 2013 Aquarius Summary:
June 2013 for Aquarius is a time in which you should take the balance formed by the outermost planets
of Saturn in Scorpio, Uranus in Aries, and Neptune in Pisces, and make this work in your favour.
The efforts you have made in the previous couple of months give you an excellent base on which
to advance your relationships and spiritual wellbeing on to higher level.
Romantically this month is a high point for Aquarius. It comes well in advance of the
impending opposition of Venus and Mars then will put you on the back foot starting in July.
Make sure you are together in discussing a future, rather than allowing the past to intrude.
You cannot change what has happened, and your partner will see you have both of your interests at heart.
If you are single and looking to meet someone new, you will have more then one friend on your side helping
you along. Try expanding your search to your wider circle of friends. You will be seen in a good light by those
who know you, and this will be passed on to any potential suitor.
With people on your side you can make the most of work opportunities. Additionally,
if you have been considering moving to pastures new, either a new job or a move of house, or
simply thinking of a big vacation, June 2013 is the ideal month to make a start on your plans.
Do your best to get things worked out before too many weeks of July have passed.
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