August 2013 Aquarius horoscope prediction

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August 2013 Aquarius horoscope prediction:

People sometimes jump to the wrong conclusions when there is idle gossip being directed in a particular direction. Don't allow this to affect you and your relationships with your partner. Let them make up their own mind in their own time and they will come to the correct conclusion in the end. The same could happen to singleton Aquarius during August 2013, but that certain someone you have your eye on will see through to the real you.

You will struggle to earn the respect of someone people in the workplace at times this month. The problem is actually with them, and by doing nothing more than get on with your own job as best you can you will come out of this with nothing you need to prove.

You would be best not divulge any information about your finances to anyone this month. You will only come under unfair scrutiny from people who know no better but who should stay out of it.

Time spend away with someone close to you during August 2013 will be time well spend. You now who you want to be with so do your best to make it happen.

There are jobs to be started and jobs to be finished in and around the home this month. You must take charge of the things you know must be sorted and just get on with it no matter what other people are saying around you.

August 2013 Aquarius Summary:
With The Sun in Leo at opposition with Aquarius at the start of August 2013 you may feel there is a little too much interest in your affairs from certain people. You must stand your ground and not allow anyone to push you off your own path. Only you know what is best for you.
On August 8th Mercury also enters Leo in opposition with Aquarius and changes the focus towards some of your more positive traits. Mercury opposition brings out the individuality of Aquarius, the aspects that make you tick. There will still be some people trying to question your motives, but you will see straight through this and simply get on with your own agenda.
On August 23rd The Sun and Mercury move out of Leo leaving Aquarius with some respite from the push and pull of opposing forces for a time. Make the most of this period to get more tasks completed at home and in the workplace. In some cases the task might actually be making amends in relationships with those close to you. It is a time to forgive and forget. Those people who may have questioned you and your motives in the last month or two could be the allies you need now that you have proven your worth as an honest and reliable colleague.

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