June 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction

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June 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction:

Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself now that The Sun has left Taurus, get out there and socialise, you will soon make new friends who will turn things around for you. Keep an open mind as things will not always go exactly how you expect, and it takes every different kind of person to make the world turn.

This is the chance for you to stand out of the crowd and shine, though some may try and burst your bubble, do not let them, they are just envious of your successes.

Do what you want with your own money, you cannot please everyone. There are moments when you will just have to say no.

Keep travel plans on hold this month as you may need to sort out a situation closer to home, don't worry though as all will end well for you and those concerned.

Stay close to those that matter to you and disregard those that drag you down, you will become a better person by staying truthful to yourself.

June 2013 Taurus Summary:
June 2013 is a time of consolidation for Taurus. Now that The Sun has passed out of Taurus until next year, you may be feeling a little under the weather as you know how long it will be until you are in The Sun's focus, but that misses the point for Taurus at this time of the year. You should instead be concentrating on the good fortune you have been given in the previous month, as those around you have seen you in the best light. While friends, family and colleagues have your good interest in their minds, you should take the chance to strengthen the bonds between you and those close to you. The fact you are no longer in the direct glare on The Sun and the differing vagaries of the inner planets allow you to quietly build trust.
With Saturn remaining at opposition in Scorpio during June 2013, you will have a steadying influence to keep you on track. However at certain points through every month the movement of The Moon comes to the fore. For example firstly on June 5th as The Moon passes through Taurus, and then most definitely on June 19th as The Moon comes in to conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio, and the negative focus directly opposes Taurus, you might feel some loss of control. Be prepared for those around you to pick up on your reduced confidence and if they have anything against you to try and put you down. Stand your ground and do not let others rule your thoughts. You still have those people who are on your side and still influenced by your kind nature in the past few months to back you up.

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