October 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction

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October 2013 Sagittarius horoscope prediction:

October 2013 Sagittarius Summary:
With Venus and The Moon both entering Sagittarius at the same time on October 8th, you may find your way a little less obvious than the quiet time you have experienced in the last couple of months has led you to believe. The New Moon several days before in Libra was something of a false dawn for you, building your hopes up for an easy ride.
You simply need to take a few steps back and let things happen how they want for a time. As soon as you stop trying to force the issue with people around you and let them come to their own conclusions about things that affect you directly, you will be able to pick up the pieces and start again.
You will find your way blocked in the workplace for a time as other people vie for attention and to see who is in the ascendancy. Do not get drawn in to their petty arguments as the planetary aspects you face this month do not bode well when it comes to winning people over and getting ahead in any arguments.
During the latter half of October 2013 when Venus becomes more isolated and less prone to outside influences you should find yourself better placed for communicating with the people around you. This is a good time to mend any cracks that have formed in your romantic relationship. Take the time to speak to your partner and listen to what they have to say, and act on anything that needs your attention.
For single Sagittarius this is a time to make a special effort to meet someone new while Venus in Sagittarius is so favourably placed.

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