taurus cancer love compatibility

horoscope predictions

Cancer and Taurus compliment each other in the best possible way. They are both romantic and sentimental, they also enjoy the simple things in life, preferring to spend cosy nights in together rather than going out partying.

Cancer and Taurus are both family orientated and once they are both secure in their relationship will want to settle down quickly. They fill each others emotional needs, Taurus respects the caring, nurturing Cancer and Cancer basks in the warmth of the kind hearted Taurus.

The secretive Cancer, who tends to want to hide away, may become a little disconcerted with the somewhat brash Taurus. However Taurus soon wins over Cancer with their charming ways. Taurus gives Cancer the stability and reliability they need in a relationship.

Taurus also has the ability to tolerate Cancers' mood swings and will usually offer sympathy when needed. Cancer lavishes in the attention of Taurus, looking upon them as their knight in shining armour.

Taurus loves the imagination of Cancer and only be too happy to share their desires with them. The boldness of Taurus motivates Cancer to fulfill their hopes and dreams and together they can both achieve any goals they set out to make.

Cancer and Taurus bring out the best in each other. Though Taurus is prone to possessiveness, Cancer, who always wants to be cherished and looked after will revel in the attention of Taurus and in turn Taurus adores the affection and loving home that Cancer will offer gladly.

Taurus Love Compatibility
Cancer Love Compatibility

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