Aquarius with Pisces love match compatibility horoscope

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Aquarius and Pisces may appear to be poles apart but these two signs actually do compliment each other. The charming, mysterious Pisces captivates Aquarius from the start. Pisces is intrigued by the unconventional ways and originality of Aquarius. Both signs are open minded and easy going, making them good friends as well as lovers.

Aquarius and Pisces have opposite traits which may sometimes make this pairing difficult in patches, but both signs have great respect and admiration for each other and importantly will give each other the support they need. Pisces is a dreamer and will sit and worry whereas the more practical Aquarius likes to get things done rather than just thinking about it. The imagination and creativity of Pisces can be a perfect match for the Aquarius who is always on the search for excitement and adventure.

Pisces has the tendency for sudden mood swings which could start to irritate Aquarius and in turn Pisces may find Aquarius' need for so much freedom unsettling and may even cause them to question their commitment to the relationship. Both signs can become emotional, though Aquarius has the ability to show more control and is able to calm down quicker after a heated argument.

Pisces needs to guard against making too many emotional demands and allow Aquarius some space. Aquarius needs to reassure Pisces that they are valued and appreciated and while still allowing Pisces room to explore. Pisces does have a quiet inner strength which Aquarius feels drawn to, they find it easy to fall in love with the caring, sensitive Pisces. Pisces will flourish under the love and support shown by Aquarius.

In time, Pisces and Aquarius, with compassion, consideration and understanding will discover that they have so much to learn and gain from their relationship together. This unlikely pair is a very good example of opposite attraction.

Aquarius Love Compatibility Matches
Pisces Love Compatibility Matches

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