NEW in 2013: August 2013 Pisces daily planetary chart »
August 2013 Pisces horoscope prediction:
Don't expect to see eye to eye with your lover in the first half of August 2013, the
planets are simply not in the favour of good communications for Pisces. You will find yourself
conceding more than you want to. The second half of the month has
Pisces in a much stronger and thoughtful positive aspect. Make the most
of this time if you are single as members of the opposite sex will warm to you.
If you have ever had one of those times when nothing went right for you in the workplace,
then you have the ability to cope with what is coming. Expect certain colleagues to
try and put the blame on you for their own mistakes. Lay low and by the end
of August 2013 things will be back in your favour.
Time to make some more positive moves in your own finances towards the end of the month.
Your negotiating skills will be at a high point around the August 23rd ingress of The Sun and Mercury
in to opposition with Pisces.
Not a time when you will see much of the world beyond what you can see from your window.
Don't become despondent as your imagination will take over and you can see the world in your mind
if you only but try.
You will not be getting your way at home for large parts of this month.
Wait until late in the month when everyone else has ran out of steam and get things
moving in the direction you choose for you.
August 2013 Pisces Summary:
August 2013 is a period of contrasting fortunes for Pisces. At the start of the
month Neptune in Pisces is opposed by Venus in Virgo for a time. Your individuality
will be overshadowed as you strive to conform to expectations
within your peer group. This is not a time to make too much noise in the workplace
especially, you will simply not be noticed. The Lunar transit of Virgo around August 8th
will particularly push your personal wants and needs completely in to the background.
Not the best time for Pisces.
When Venus leaves opposition with Pisces on August 16th you will be able to regain a little
of your freedoms and begin to put some of your own needs first. It will take a little while
to make the most of your abilities, but gradually you will begin to feel
stronger mentally and better able to stand up to misplaced attempts at authority over you.
On August 23rd The Sun and Mercury move in to Virgo and opposition with Pisces. You will come
under the close attention of some people out to take advantage of your good nature, but with The
Sun opposite Neptune in Pisces you are at the height of your conscious potency and more than a match for anyone
who wants to take you on. Your spiritual powers particularly are at a high point with these planetary aspects
and anyone who tried is bound to run straight in to a Pisces whit and sharp tongue. Do not be afraid
of speaking your mind when the time comes to show your strengths.
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