2012 Yearly and Monthly Horoscopes

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2012 in Astrology:

2012 is a leap year and sees several major planetary aspects, including two cardinal cross events in May and October, and includes the planet Neptune moving in to Pisces from Aries on February 3rd, where it will remain until 2025. June 6th 2012 sees a very rare transit of Venus, an event that will not return until the year 2117. Two other planetary aspects of note are when Jupiter enters Gemini on June 11th and Saturn enters Scorpio on October 5th. There is also a total solar eclipse on November 13th and 14th which can just be glimpsed from the very north of Australia before heading off over the Southern Pacific Ocean.

Monthly horoscope forecasts for 2012:

2013 Yearly and Monthly Horoscope Predictions »

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