Libra Men: your Zodiac sign in words and pictures

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The Libra Man:

Appearances are important to the Libra man. How he looks to others is something that concerns him on a daily basis. His dress sense is subtle rather than adventurous though, as he likes to make the right first impression to last.

image of the libra man

Libra men are happy to get on with the task in hand and see it through to the end. He can be something of a talker and is always ready to offer advice even when it is not needed. He is trustworthy in all situations but can be prone to changing his mind without explaining his actions to anyone.

In a romantic relationship the Libra man is generous in his actions and in his praise of his wife or girlfriend. He concerns himself with the needs and wants of his lover and seeks a balanced relationship rather than one or other having the upper hand.

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