Libra Woman: your Zodiac sign in words and pictures

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The Libra Woman:

The wide eyed Libra woman is always conscious of her own looks and constantly wants to improve her appearance to please her own ideal, always refining what she wears and how she styles her hair and makeup.

image of the libra woman

Libra women are more than willing to use their looks and sex appeal to get their own way with members of the opposite sex. Even so she shows tact and diplomacy so as not to appear overtly flirty inn the wrong situation. She will pick and choose her moments.

Libra women are ideal team players and therefore make excellent partners both in love and in business. Their excellent powers of analysis allow them to think and plan well ahead to achieve the best of mutual goals.

Libra woman love luxuries for themselves and their surroundings. They do their best to buy the best clothes and furnishings they can afford to beautify both themselves and their surroundings.

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