Key to daily astrology chart symbols:
New to @TweeterScopes: Our astrological daily chart predictions are based on your astrological Biorhythms. Daily chart predictions are available here from January 2013.
Current: November 2013 Astrological Charts ›
Daily Mood Colours:
Red days are energetic but grounded, passionate but stable. You have the stamina to see the day through. |
Orange days show enthusiasm and optimism, creativity and emotional expressions. Take pleasure in a job well done. |
Yellow days are the most fun. You intellectually and logically know how to make the most of this happy time. |
Green days are harmonious and full of love. You are sociable, balanced and tolerant. A good day for communication and making friends. |
Blue days are calm and devoted. Your honesty will win people over, and your self restraint and affection will keep them. |
Purple days are intuitive and imaginative. Show your artistic side and then indulge in some thinking and meditation. |
White days can be nervous and anxious. You must keep a composed head and see the day through to the end. |
Grey days are stressful. You may feel pressurised and fearful. Take a step back and then make the most of tomorrow. |
Blank: No overall daily mood type predicted. |
Planet Symbols:
The Sun. E for Eclipsed Sun. |
The Moon. N for New Moon. F for Full Moon. E for Eclipsed Moon. |
The Planet Mercury. R for Retrograde (with any planet). |
The Planet Venus. |
The Planet Mars. |
The Planet Jupiter. |
The Planet Saturn. |
The Planet Uranus. |
The Planet Neptune. |
The Minor Planet Pluto. |
Zodiac Sign Relationships:
The symbol shows the ways we predict you will interact with the Zodiac Sign shown. For example, a heart next to Leo shows a good day for romantic relations with a Leo.
♥ | Heart: A Good day for romantic relationships with the sign showing. |
+ | Plus: A positive day for spending time with the sign showing. |
› | Arrow: A good day for travelling with the sign showing. |
@ | Email: Good communications with the sign showing. |
- | Minus: A negative day. Best avoid the sign showing. |
! | Caution: A day of conflict with the sign showing. |
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