Key to daily astrology chart symbols

horoscope predictions

Key to daily astrology chart symbols:

New to @TweeterScopes: Our astrological daily chart predictions are based on your astrological Biorhythms. Daily chart predictions are available here from January 2013.

Current: November 2013 Astrological Charts


Daily Mood Colours:

Red days are energetic but grounded, passionate but stable. You have the stamina to see the day through.

Orange days show enthusiasm and optimism, creativity and emotional expressions. Take pleasure in a job well done.

Yellow days are the most fun. You intellectually and logically know how to make the most of this happy time.

Green days are harmonious and full of love. You are sociable, balanced and tolerant. A good day for communication and making friends.

Blue days are calm and devoted. Your honesty will win people over, and your self restraint and affection will keep them.

Purple days are intuitive and imaginative. Show your artistic side and then indulge in some thinking and meditation.

White days can be nervous and anxious. You must keep a composed head and see the day through to the end.

Grey days are stressful. You may feel pressurised and fearful. Take a step back and then make the most of tomorrow.

Blank: No overall daily mood type predicted.


Planet Symbols:

the sun

The Sun. E for Eclipsed Sun.

the moon

The Moon. N for New Moon. F for Full Moon. E for Eclipsed Moon.

planet mercury

The Planet Mercury. R for Retrograde (with any planet).

planet venus

The Planet Venus.

planet mars

The Planet Mars.

planet jupiter

The Planet Jupiter.

planet saturn

The Planet Saturn.

planet uranus

The Planet Uranus.

planet neptune

The Planet Neptune.

minor planet pluto

The Minor Planet Pluto.


Zodiac Sign Relationships:

The symbol shows the ways we predict you will interact with the Zodiac Sign shown. For example, a heart next to Leo shows a good day for romantic relations with a Leo.


Heart: A Good day for romantic relationships with the sign showing.


Plus: A positive day for spending time with the sign showing.


Arrow: A good day for travelling with the sign showing.


Email: Good communications with the sign showing.


Minus: A negative day. Best avoid the sign showing.


Caution: A day of conflict with the sign showing.


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