June 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction

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June 2013 Capricorn horoscope prediction:

There is someone you have had your eye on for a while but you have been too shy to approach, well you will never know unless you make a move so go for it, Mercury and Venus moving in to opposition with Capricorn in Cancer during June 2013 there is no better time like the present.

You know what it is you want, some may try to hold you back, rise above any unjustified criticism for they are just insecure over their own inadequacies.

Things are looking up for you this month financially, don't be tempted by any quick rich schemes, stay on the straight and narrow and all things will run smoothly.

If you really want to set off into the sunset then don't let anyone or anything stop you. You only live once and you should live your life to the full, go and enjoy yourself.

You are in charge of your own person and your own destination. Keep this in mind next time someone tries to tell you what to do with your life. Stick to your own decisions.

June 2013 Capricorn Summary:
June 2013 is a time of changes for Capricorn. The month begins with Mercury and Venus moving in to opposition in Cancer, something that will have your romance and love life getting an intense perturbence for the first week or two. You will be on the back foot with your partner, trying to smooth over cracks that they seem to be intent on opening. It might be time to look very closely at when you want and need. If you are single, you might actually be at something of an advantage compared with other Zodiac signs. Take a chance and make the first move with that person you have had your eye on for some time. Yes there is a lot of variability in the outcome, it could be positive or negative, but unless you make that move you will not get anywhere at all.
As the month progresses, and especially after The Sun enters Cancer at opposition with Capricorn on June 21st 2013, the focus will come on you from people, especially at home and in the workplace. From June 26th, the momentous event of Jupiter entering Cancer will add power to your ability to get things done. Over the following few days The Sun moves in to full opposition with Pluto, leaving you rather exposed to unwarranted criticism, but you have the assistance of Jupiter to keep your own focus and rise above the insecurities that others are feeling. Make the most of this period to get ahead and provide for yourself in the coming months. You are in charge of you.

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