August 2013 Cancer horoscope prediction

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August 2013 Cancer horoscope prediction:

With Jupiter now firmly entrenched in Cancer, August 2013 is a time for you to try new ideas and seek out new experiences in your love life. If you are single you should spread your wings and get out more. Going back to the same places time after time is not the way to meet someone new. If you are in a relationship you must open up and tell your partner what's on your mind, you never know what their response is going to be. You might get a pleasant surprise.

You can begin to think a little bigger during August 2013. If you had some new project or suggestion at work, you should think it through and speak to you close colleagues about our ideas.

As long as you know you can afford it, this is a month you can have that new little luxury you mind has been set on. Don't overdo things, but do spend a little just on you.

Ideas of places to go and people to meet will crystallise in your mind this month. Make plans, discuss with those close to you, and go exploring.

All those little jobs you have been putting off can now be stared. Once you have the little things out of the way think about the bigger things. Get friends and family on the case as many hands make light work.

August 2013 Cancer Summary:
August 2013 continues in the same vein for Cancer as you experienced during July. By now you should be used to the empowering presence of Jupiter, and confident in your own abilities to make the most of the situation. There is a chance you might get a little ahead of yourself however, as Mercury buzzes about and pushes your buttons in ways you might not appreciate in the long run, especially if you turn rather too outspoken for a time. You will feel rather calmer and more in charge of the situation after Mercury moves in to Leo on August 8th 2013.
With Mars also in Cancer until the 28th of August you will feel roused in to action and have an urge to make more of your physical attributes. The ideal time for a new keep fit regime or just a change to a healthier way of eating. Book an adventure trip or an out door activity vacation whilst you have the Mars Jupiter aspect in your horoscope.
You new found energy will be appreciated in more than one area of your life. Make the most of things with your romantic partner. Start some new work and home projects. All in all a great time for Cancer and their closest of friends and colleagues.

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