Virgo Woman: your Zodiac sign in words and pictures

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The Virgo Woman:

The Virgo woman is always warm and welcoming with soft features and friendly eyes. She will always be impeccably dressed as she abhors tardiness in all forms.

image of the virgo woman

Virgo women are never reactionary, they will sit back and analyse the situation before coming to a conclusion. Once she has made her mind up about something or someone she will not be dissuaded from her own thoughts. She prefers her own path rather than going along with the crowd.

Virgo females have a great sense of purpose and will efficiently pursue their own goals in life. The are pure of thoughts but never naive as they spend as much time thinking about the words and deeds of others as much as their own.

The are not afraid to criticise others if they see the need, although they often do not fully express their own feelings and needs even to those close to them.

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