Sagittarius Men: your Zodiac sign in words and pictures

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The Sagittarius Man:

The Sagittarius man has a bold and noticeable presence in the company of others. He is happy to speak his mind and take risks when the moment arises.

image of the sagittarius man

Sagittarius men have a good memory for faces and facts but will often forget where he put his car keys 5 minutes earlier. He likes to have a laugh but can kill any joke with a miss timed punch line.

Sagittarius men like to study to get themselves ahead in the world of work and careers. His creative take on things is ideal for new enterprises.

Sagittarius men can be rather tactless with members of the opposite sex, but this will often endure him to the right woman who can see through to an honest and sincere core. Above all he needs a partner who can stimulate him intellectually.

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