Sagittarius Woman: your Zodiac sign in words and pictures

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The Sagittarius Woman:

The Sagittarius woman has bright and steady eyes and an economy of effort and movement. She is overly honest and open with her ideas and always has complete freedom of thoughts.

image of the sagittarius woman

Sagittarius women are romantics at heart and love to be in love. She can sometimes fall for the wrong person when she lets her heart rule her head, but taking a risk is part of the Sagittarius woman's personality. She can often be found inside an unconventional relationship.

Sagittarius woman always support the underdog and despise and form of injustice. She is the equal of everyone she meets. Her moral standards especially should not be questioned. She will react with anger and sarcasm if she feels threatened or accused incorrectly, although she is the first to laugh at her own mistakes and misfortune.

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